Published onOctober 8, 2023About using fetchfrontendnextjsreactjavascriptIve recommended before that you dont need to use axios in projects unless you have a very specific need that I havent encountered so far.
Published onJuly 11, 2022Does Using -const- Affect Program Performance?performancefrontendjavascriptUnlike lower-level languages like C#, where using `const` can lead to memory optimization and better memory management
Published onJanuary 10, 2021Open source Book shop using MERN Stack (Open-Source)javascriptopen-sourceThe latest project I open-sourced on my GitHub account is the Online Book Store shop.
Published onSeptember 10, 2020Dynamic Dashboard using vanilla js (Open-Source)javascriptopen-sourceSome time ago, I created a dashboard that works as follows: You define a set of rows and columns, and inside each column, you can select and save a report that comes from the server.